Monday, December 2, 2013


     Social media is a new driver of the convergent media sector. According to Encyclopedia Britannica "The term social media refers to technologies, platforms, and services that enable individuals to engage in communication." Social media is an important way of communication for all the individuals around the world, but as a source of communication that is not highly protected, most individuals tend to change human behavior. Most of the studies, argue the different implications that teenagers are having as consequence of the social media, but it is important to state that most of the effects that social media causes could be avoided, if parents put more attention in their children while their children have social media exposure . Different researchers around the world, have been studying the effects that may cause the high exposure to the different social media tools, which are easily found, via internet or simply in television. Teenagers through the country use internet, cellphones, and video games to gather information and communicate with each other.


This ability to interact with others is unique feature of social media which provides powerful new ways for teens to create and navigate the social environments. Teen's use of the social media occurs simultaneously with developing identity, emerging sexuality, physical development, and moral consciousness.It is important to say, that not all the social media interaction is bad for teenagers because sometimes having social media interaction may help teenagers to develop social skills and teenagers using social media tend to be more friendly. As a result, social media studies show that many individuals using social medias as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Online Games etc. Are also susceptible to suffer certain risks like mental health related problems. In the article Impact of Social Media on Adolescents  Human Behavior in California, "While media use is and integral part of the daily life of adolescents, there are a number of risks associated with social media use, specifically, negative effects on mental health, cyberbullying, texting/sexting, dangers of sexual solicitation, and exposure to problematic and illegal content and privacy violations". For that reason, this blog is designed to discuss all the consequences and effects that social media has on individuals.